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wreaking havoc since lucy tripped and fell

demons: est.since forever.

Directory: NOTE: this thread is forever ongoing

What are demons?

What are demons?

Turning to good 'ole Google for help is only customary. Google defines a demon as: 


 An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

This definition is concise, but lacking, as most of Google's definitions are: but there is one main fundamental that it outlined despite: "a tormentor in hell" seems very fitting for demons.


It is known that a demons residence of evil (reference) is Hell. Over the years Hell has taken on different names and euphemisms from different people and religions. It is often frowned upon to even speak of hell, and it's viewed negatively, used in our daily expressions of surprise or exasperation—even fury.


With this negative connotation, it makes the devilish appeal of Hell all the more welcoming.Hell, as briefly summed up by, is a place of the condemned and it has been referred to as so; and many other terms:

Different Names for Hell Graphic

Lovely table made by Echo Sagal; click image to enlargen.

Ranging from Abaddon to Tartarus and Sheol to Gehenna, there are many terms used to refer to Hell as. However, one singular thing remains constant: Hell is a place where the wicked are consigned to eternal damnation and suffering—and this suffering is more often than not interpreted as burning in everlasting hellfire for all of your miserable days. 


Suffering is subjective, however. This brings in the idea of how you can spice up your Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance/Dark Fantasy Novel: A hell where there is no fire.

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